About me

©Julia Mugnier Photography

My name is Alicia, I’m a young actress and filmmaker from Mayenne (53, France), based in Paris.

I’m taking acting classes as well as studying cinema and management, working in front of and behind the camera. I attended Fanny Pierre’s Acting course for 2 years, and I’m starting my final year of a double degree in cinema and management at the University of Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne.

I’ve been acting for 5 years. I’ve taken all kinds of workshops, from the more classic to the more specific, such as an improvisation workshop in English.

I love experimenting and getting out of my comfort zone to discover new things. 

That’s why I’ve tried out so many hobbies: singing, dancing, basketball, cooking, roller skating, yoga, not forgetting Wing Chun kung-fu/self defense, which I’ve been practicing for 2 years.

I speak French (my native language), English fluently and have a good knowledge of Spanish. I also studied Latin for 6 years and know two or three words of Italian, which can always come in handy…

Before entering higher education, I started developing my own projects. This experience taught me a lot and awakened a real passion for filming, which I’ve been feeding ever since.

In fact, since September 2021, I’ve been a member of Paris Vision Libre, an audiovisual production association that’s very close to my heart. I even became its treasurer last February!